Regulatory Reform to Reduce Costs for the Economy

The Republic Secretariat for Public Policy (RSPP), in cooperation with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, has gathered over 40 civil servants, members of working groups for the optimization of administrative procedures, from 15 institutions, at a working meeting “Regulatory reform to reduce the cost of the economy”.

This event is organized within the framework of the three-year Business Environment Improvement Project in Serbia, which IFC conducts in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and with the support of the British Embassy in Belgrade. The goal of the Project is to simplify over 1,000 administrative procedures for obtaining various licenses, permits and approvals, allowing electronic issuance of as many as 100 permits, as well as eliminating practices that negatively affect the development of competition. As a result of the Project’s work, it is expected that around 600 permits, approvals and approvals will be simplified, and their release will be accelerated by the middle of next year.

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