Virtual Tech Job Fair – Connecting Tech Talents from the Adriatic Region

Virtual Tech Job Fair, 17-19th October 2023 Virtual Tech Job Fair (TJF) is innovative virtual fair…

The Third Ambipak Conference: “Packaging 5.0 – Inspiration. INNOVATION. Sustainability”

The annual Ambipak Conference, traditionally supported by the Association for the Chemical, Rubber, and Non-Metallic Industry…


Near the end of the tenth jubilee Digital 2023 conference, the Digital Awards ceremony was held…

The 10th Jubilee DIGITAL Conference Takes Place

A regional conference on trends in telecommunications and media – DIGITAL 2023 – was held for…

Ivica Dačić – Key Issues in the Region Must Be Resolved

The people of Serbia and the USA deserve to have the kind of friendly relations that…

Day of America in Belgrade: We Have a Dream!

The second Day of America conference in Belgrade was held in the old building of the…

Panel Discussion on the Importance of Sustainable Development – Our Sustainable Community

The NIS Company participated in the panel discussion titled “Our Sustainable Community” organized by the Novosti…

Yettel awarded “Leader of Social Responsibility”

At the 10th anniversary Digital Awards 2023 conference, the Yettel company won the Leader of Social…

Conference “ESG in Business and Finance: Challenges and Opportunities in Serbia” September 26th

Focus on: ESG reporting, creation of corporate decarbonisation strategy, application of green technologies and implementation of…

“Digital Awards” – Jury members and ambassadors present awards to laureates

This year’s #Digital2023 conference will be the 10th anniversary, the first one was organized in September…

We Need to Strike a Wise Balance With the Natural Environment

It is not easy to maintain a balance between human needs, the civilization we are developing…

The Goal is Sustainable Decarbonization

Our will and willingness to work towards accomplishing energy and climate goals is firm and unquestionable…

Business breakfast – How much of a crisis are we living, and how much of a crisis is fleeting

Color Media Communications, publisher of Diplomacy&Commerce magazine and The Economist World Ahead for the region, including…

10th anniversary “Digital” conference and 1st “Digital Awards”

The #Digital2023 conference this year marks a milestone as it is the 10th anniversary of the…