Raiffeisen Leasing and European Investment Bank signed a loan agreement

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Raiffeisen Leasing doo signed in Belgrade an agreement on a…

Dubravka Nègre, new Head of EIB Regional Representation for the Western Balkans

Dubravka Nègre has been heading EIB Regional Representation for the Western Balkans since September 2016.

Dubravka Negre, Head of the Western Balkan Regional Office of the European Investment Bank (EIB): Good infrastructure leads to new investments

EIB has been active in Serbia and Belgrade since 2001 and our up to date cooperation…

Dario Scannapieco, Vice-President European Investment Bank (EIB): Helping Serbia to build resilient communities

The EIB is the largest lender to the Serbian economy with EUR 4.7 billion of the…