At the end of 2019, the City of Belgrade has signed an agreement with TeleGroup and Siemens – Yunex Traffic, for traffic signalization modernization, providing tram priority on the key corridors and area-based adaptive traffic management system.
Within the mentioned Agreement, which complete realization is planned in 2023, a Central traffic management system has been implemented and enabled Secretariat for Traffic to manage, monitor, set and update traffic light parameters, and adjust them to the real traffic load.

The realization of the project is in progress, and close to 200 intersections have already been modernized, the tram priority has been introduced at over 40 intersections, while 7 areas are currently operating in the adaptive traffic management system. Improvement per area is 20% when it comes to traffic flow.
What can you tell us about the project of intersection modernization in Belgrade?
We are proud that the city of Belgrade has recognized our strength to realize this project in cooperation with the team from the Secretariat for Traffic, as well as other city departments, in order to improve traffic efficiency in the capital, but also to increase the attractiveness of the public transport by introducing tram priorities. In addition to trams, priority can be given to other public transport vehicles, emergency vehicles, cyclists, but it can also be integrated with existing and future transport systems.
How do European cities manage rapid global urbanization and the increased number of vehicles? What improvement measures are implemented in European cities?
We are witnessing the constant development of cities, and in parallel bicycle traffic, walking and the usage of public transportation are being promoted, limitation of land use and traffic management is being improved. Previous transportation systems have enabled higher mobility, but today, due to overcrowding in cities, modern ways of traffic management are needed, which affect several challenges at the same time. On the one hand, we need proactive systems keeping pollution below acceptable thresholds, coordinating different urban systems, including and exchanging information with multiple operators in a multimodal environment, while enabling fast incidents response and keeping the highest security and safety level of all traffic participants. The digital revolution imposes the need for next-generation systems and platforms that facilitate the information exchange with end-users in order to address the transport challenges that cities are facing with.
What innovative solutions Yunex team brings to us that contribute to sustainable mobility?
In October 2021, Yunex Traffic participated in the ITS World Congress in Hamburg, as an independent brand of Siemens. We have impressed the local audience not only with our digital tunnel and highway management solutions, adaptive traffic control, connected mobility, but we have also successfully launched our brand new traffic management platform – Sitraffic Symphony.
Together with our teams around the world, we are transforming smart cities and digital roads. But above all, we have inspired people with our vision of sustainable mobility: we want to make traffic greener, safer and cities more livable.