The Hellenic Business Association of Serbia held its annual General Assembly on May 10, 2022, at the IN Hotel.
At this year’s session of the General Assembly, the members of the HBA voted for the new Board of Directors.

The new Board of Directors is constituted as follows:
President- Nikolaos Sliousaregko (Hotel Junior)
Vice President- Vuk Dapčević (Eurobank Direktna)
Treasurer- Georgios Karafergias (Roda Točkovi)
Member- Vasilis Karanasios (Coral SRB – Official Shell Licensee)
Member- Stylianos Tsoktouridis (Alumil YU Industry)
The members of the new Board of Directors stated that they will maintain the HBA’s goals and its visibility before institutions in Serbia and Greece, actively represent the interests of the Greek business community in Serbia and also promote further cooperation between member companies as well as with other domestic and foreign companies on the Serbian market.

During the evening, the HBA expressed special gratitude to Mr. Zafiris Lampadaridis and Mr. Stilianos Zakof, who as members of the Board of Directors and presidents of the Association have contributed to its development and promotion for many years. On this occasion, the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia awarded Mr. Lampadaridis and Mr. Zakof, who was also, by the Assembly of Members, proclaimed honorary member of the Association.