Our travel insurance can now be renewed from abroad

Generali Osiguranje Serbia now allows clients who are currently abroad and unable to return to the country to extend their travel insurance policy from their current place of residence. All they need to do is to call the Contact Centre at telephone numbers +381 11 222 0 555 or 0800 222 555 (toll free number for calls from Serbia) and inform us about the details of the policy.

For easier and faster communication, the policy can be extended by a person close to the client located in Serbia.

What can we all do together to prevent the virus from spreading?

Recommendations from the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Public Health of Serbia.

  • Increase hand hygiene. Wash your hands with water and soap for at least 20 seconds or use a hand disinfectant gel.

  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a paper handkerchief or, if you don’t have one, with your forearm. Throw the used paper tissue in a closed rubbish can immediately and wash your hands.

  • Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose with your fingers.

  • Avoid shaking hands, hugging and kissing. Keep a distance of 2 metres from the people you meet.

  • Avoid contact with persons who have the symptoms of a respiratory tract infection (coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever).

  • Air out the rooms in which you reside as often as possible.

  • Avoid larger groups of people and public gatherings (celebrations, sports matches, theatres, cinemas).

  • Wear a mask over your mouth and nose if you are staying in facilities where there is a mass unsupervised gathering of people.

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