“Right” PR Agency got the award in the category of Brand

At the traditional annual award ceremony organized by the Association of Serbian Market Communications, “Right” PR Agency was presented with the award in the category of Brand PR with “Moja kravica” triangular project.

The creators and implementers of this winning brand PR campaign are PR managers Mr. Miloš Duduković and Ms. Milica Spasojević, in cooperation with PR executives Mr. Miljan Perović and Ms. Emilija Katić. The “Moja kravica” triangular yoghurt PR campaign kicked off with a grand launch party in May 2017, followed by numerous PR activities, such as the traditional “Moja kravica” Triangular Yoghurt Family Day. The comeback of the “Moja kravica” triangular yoghurt after more than 20 years of absence from the market has reminded all consumers of the good old times and evoked the fondest of memories. This is the second award presented to “Right” PR agency in 2017.

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