Youth Camp Held in Palić

Young People from the Region Break Down Stereotypes and Build Mutual Trust. The symbolic planting of…

Serbia embraces sustainable tourism: A new era of ecological responsibility and economic Progress

Joining the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, Serbia sets out to develop national standards and promote cultural…

Regional Programme ‘Dialogue for the Future’ pointed to the critical importance of social cohesion

Through the implementation of 19 cross-border projects, over 5,000 citizens have been reached Regional Dialogue Platform,…

The Consequences of the Pandemic on Society

1. What consequences will the pandemic have on the society as a whole, especially on the…

Francine Pickup is appointed as the UNDP Resident Representative in Serbia

Francine Pickup is appointed as the UNDP Resident Representative in Serbia as of May 2019. Previously…

National campaign “LET’S get to KNOW each other”

In what ways can citizens participate in the local budget planning process? How can they suggest…

Legislative Drafting: The ability to impact society through well-written legislation is unparalleled

Like many other countries in transition Serbia was eager to transform its legislation in line with…