All our products will be produced using green energy
Hörmann’s title as the leader in the production of industrial and garage doors, in addition to unrivalled product quality and investment in long-term partnerships, also rests on the ongoing fight to prevent climate change. We talked to the Managing Director of Hörmann Serbia, Bojan Simović, about this fight, as well as the company’s results and future plans.

Hörmann has been operating in Serbia for more than a decade. Are you satisfied with the results achieved so far?
Hörmann is a global giant in the production of industrial and garage doors, and we have managed to secure a leading position in the Serbian market in the last ten years, thanks to the quality of our products, but also the trust we have carefully won over with domestic customers. Despite all the difficulties, our company still recorded growth last year.
In addition to safety and security, as the basic values of our products, we pay a lot of attention to innovation. Our product range for smart home systems has satisfied even the most demanding customers in the domestic market.
You have raised the collaboration with the construction industry and architects to a higher level and they have recognized you as their long-term partner.
Cooperation with architects is the foundation of our business. We have developed a special range for architects, which significantly facilitates their work, just so that they can fully dedicate themselves to the development of their ideas. On the other hand, despite all the problems caused by the ongoing pandemic, the construction industry is recording significant growth, which greatly contributes to the economic growth of Serbia too. Thanks to the quality of our products, which is identical to those in Germany, other European countries and the rest of the world, but also thanks to the high degree of professionalism of our distributors, our company has been recognized as a desirable and reliable partner in creating and implementing ideas.
Despite all the difficulties, our company still recorded growth last year.
The situation with the COVID pandemic has greatly changed all business segments. How did it affect your business and what is your view of the market’s future?
This situation demonstrated how important it was to quickly adapt the work processes to new circumstances. We are aware that the market will inevitably transform, and that the losses that the global economy will suffer will certainly be great. Digitalization will be implemented in almost all business spheres more and more, but human nature and needs will remain basically the same. Certain economic branches will not disappear, but will only undergo reorganization. Despite the increasing digitalization, people will remain the basis of all processes.
What are your company plans in 2021?
This year will be dedicated to the fight against climate change in our company. In early March, we will launch a campaign for the complete reduction of carbon dioxide in the production processes in our factories, so that all our products will be produced using green energy and as such, when used, will not have an adverse effect on climate. The fight for a healthier environment must not be done in phases and cannot be symbolic – rather, it must be continuous and start immediately. We are aware of that and that is why our commitment to preserving the environment has been a very important aspect of our business for several years. We want to raise customer awareness that when choosing Hörmann’s products, they not only choose the ease and comfort of living but also contribute to a healthier life on this planet.