The Embassy of Austria organized a lecture and discussion on “Public history – concepts and empirical research”

The Austrian Cultural Forum, the Embassy of Austria, and the Institute for Political Studies organized a…

“Real Estate Development Guide – Case Study: Office Space”

The “Guide to real estate development – Case Study: Office Space” was presented in Belgrade by…

Celebration of Diplomacy&Commerce magazine’s 7th anniversary

In the beautiful setting of the National Museum in Belgrade, Diplomacy&Commerce magazine celebrated its 7th anniversary…

Ethno Network organized an Easter bazaar in the Canadian residence

The Ethno Network organized a special Easter sale at the Canadian Residence Ethno Mreža is a…

“We Care – We Are Better Together”

“We care about Europe, we care about Serbia and its citizens – We are better together”,…

New Tuborg Ice beer launched

Tuborg brand launched a new Tuborg Ice beer, specially filtered at -1°C, so Nucci had to…

MPC Properties Appoints Pınar Yalçınkaya as the New CEO

MPC Properties, one of the most experienced real estate companies in the SEE region with its…

Seminar “Revolution in the HR Sector”

The Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, the Chamber of Italian-Serbian Businessmen, and…

The Nelt Group continues with acceleration and development by 2025

Managers and directors of all the Nelt Group’s companies gathered at a one-day conference, where the…

Conversation with previous D&C Awards winners- MK Group

Ahead of the D&C Awards 2023 which will be held in the National Museum of Serbia…

Direct flights from Belgrade to Tel Aviv again from April 6

The direct Air Serbia flight that will connect Belgrade and Tel Aviv will be re-established on…

Growth of Galenika and Internationalization of Business

Since becoming part of the Brazilian NC Group, Galenika has marked significant business growth and international…

Conversation with previous D&C Awards winners – Direct Media United Solutions

Ahead of the D&C Awards 2023 which will be held in the National Museum of Serbia…

New Nestlé manager in Surčin factory

With nearly 30 years experience in Nestlé, Jamadagni Kandige will lead the team of 530 employees…