The US Embassy in Serbia Marked Independence Day

Take a look at how the US Embassy in Belgrade celebrated one of its most important…

India’s Independence Day marked with a reception

The Embassy of India in Serbia organised a reception on Independence Day at the Hyatt Regency…

Algerian Independence Day Marked

On the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the Independence of the People’s Democratic Republic of…

Independence Day in Belgrade

The United States are Serbia’s friend and fellow traveler on the road to the European Union,…

Lebanon celebrated its Independence Day

On the occasion of the 73rd Anniversary of the Independence of Lebanon from France, the Ambassador…

Brazil celebrated its Independence Day

H.E. Isabel Cristina De Azevedo Heyvaer, Ambassador of Brasil to Serbia, hosted a reception to celebrate…

US Independence Day Celebrated

The Independence Day of the United States was celebrated on Tuesday with an evening reception in…