The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Maja Gojković on the first visit to the Musem of African Art

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture, Maja Gojković, in her first visit to the…

The project “Castles of Serbia: Protection of Cultural Heritage” presented in Paris

May 27, 2022 The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Culture…

Maja Gojković, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information: Culture is recognized as an important area

By all accounts, 2022 will be one of the most challenging years. Some of the biggest…

France has been actively involved in the process of rehabilitating castles in Serbia

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojković met with French Minister…

Next Chapter

What we can all do together to make Serbia a better place to live When we…


This time around we have also asked the representatives of the authorities, diplomatic corps, international institutions,…

#WorldIn2019 – Maja Gojković, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia: We respond to the challenges with political maturity

“The Economist: World in …” is organizing the “Color Media Communications” event for the seventh time…

Great Success of Parliamentary Diplomacy

The IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) holding its session in Belgrade will have an enormous political importance, as…

Speaker of the Serbian parliament and Ambassador of Egypt in Belgrade stress the importance of revitalizing cooperation between the two legislative councils

Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Maja Gojković, received Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in…

MAJA GOJKOVIĆ, President of the National Assembly of Serbia: LEGISLATIVE COMPLIANCE

In the past two years, Diplomacy&Commerce magazine has given to its readers abundance of news from…

Maja Gojković, Speaker of the National Parliament: Stability is the key

We are responsible for maintaining stability. The most important tasks for Serbia in 2018 are preserving…

Maja Gojković, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia: It Is Important For Our Country’s Role To Be Heard

The year 2016 has posed a question to all of us, about the future of the…

The World in 2017 Conference Held in the National Assembly of Serbia

For the seventh year in a row Color Press Group in cooperation with the London magazine…

Belgium Celebrated National Day with a Party

In the Residence of the Embassy of Belgium, the Ambassador H E Leo D’Aes with his…